Digestive System in Ruminantia

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ruminantia is a group of mammals that chew back the bolus. This group of animal depends very much on bacteria of cellulose decomposer in stomach to break down cellulose. 
The stomach of ruminantia comprises of four sections. Rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum. The process of digestion in ruminantia is as follows. Food is chewed by molar teeth in mouth. And then it is pushed down into rumen through oseophagus. In rumen, the food is broken down by anaerobic bacteria into bolus and transfered to reticulum in order to be digested chemically into smaller bolus. Then, The bolus propeled up into the mouth to be chewed again by molar. The food is expelled back down into omasum to be digested. The digesta is transferred to abomasum to be digested chemically with enzyme produced by bacteria. At the end, nutrients resulted from of the process is absorbed by small intestine and distributed by blood troughout the body.

How Wonderful of Jackfruit Seeds !

Seed of jackfruits? 
You said it “WASTE”?? That’s an erroneus opinion. 
How wonderful of that? You want to know why, aren’t you?? 
Let me to speak up and here’s the fact! Milk is an important suplement for human body but its too expensive. The cost of cow milk ready to drink now up to Rp. 15.000,-. Soybean, which is more cheap, but its become more expensive and expensive now. It causes the import of soybean, and the poroducing of local soybean becomes descending. 
Based on this fact, the writer trying to tell about jackfruits. Jackfruits has too much profit. It part which we looks it meaningless usually. In truth, it has so much benefit for our body. There’s limited people who knew that seed of jackfruits can makes our body health. Actually, jackfruit seeds contains protein which is really important for human growth necessity. 
People knews that only “soya”, the only one of the concerning plants which can be tricked to produce high protein milk. Some people believed that we’re only take it out from soya, maybe many years later or moreover, we’ve imported soya from another country because our consuming necessity on it, really high. Yes! It’s so high. People usually used milk natural cows to substituting soya milk in market. But, nowadays, belong to the developing epoch, people really needs on consuming high protein milk from the concerning plant besides soya to helps their body growth with the good condition, especially from it nutrient states.
From this decission, we can concluded that the waste of jackfruits, especially on this topic is the jackfuit seeds, it really wonderful material which many years later can be predicted that it will be material substitution of soya to fulfill people consuming necessity on high protein milk. Because, beside people can found that so easy, with the cheap cost, jackfruitsseeds also containts too many benefit, not only high protein but also some substances else such as calsium and phosporus because it formed from seeds activity during it lives on it trees.

Structure of Heart Anatomy

Heart is formed by heart muscle and connective tissues. The organ has three layers. Epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium. Epicardium (the outer layer) is composed of connective tissues. Myocardium (in the middle of epicardium andendocardium) has function to control the rate of heart pulse. Endocardium (the iner layer) is composed of a layer of endothelium tissue. 
Within the heart, there is a partition (septum) that separates the right side and left side of the heart. The iner part of heart comprises of two atriums and two ventricles. The atrium is a chamber that receives blood from vein. While, ventricles is responsible for pumping blood out of the heart. Heart is equiped by a valve (valvula) to maintain the direction of the flow of the blood. There are three types of heart valve, three leaflet valves (tricuspid/atrioventricular valve), two leaflets valves (bicuspid) and semilunar valves. 
Heart’s function is controlled by involuntary nerve systems. The nerve nodes that can be found in the heart are as follows. 
· Sinoatrial node (Keith-Flack) is located in the right atrium and branches to form Weinchebah nerves. 
· Atrioventricularis node (Tawara) is located in the partition between the atrium. 
· His bundle node is located in the partition between ventricles and branches into Purkinje fiber.

Breastfeeding Necessity and It Benefits for a Baby

Mother’s milk is usually secreted after the baby was born. After the mother has borned the baby, pituitary gland will secrets prolactin which is needed to produce lactation for her baby. First time closing of mother’s milk usually looks a thin yellowish liquid known as colostrum. It’s very good food for a baby because it contains a lot of proteins and antibodies. Evenmore, mother’s milk secretions is stimulated by her own baby. When the baby is breastfed, the tips of nerves on areola are stimulated to produce nerve impulse that flows from nipple towards hypothalamus. Then, hypothalamus sends a message to pituitary gland to release oxytocin. When it reaches the breast, the oxytocin makes lobulus contract and squirt milk out. Medical experts encourage breastfeeding because it has many benefits. 
The followings are some of the benefits of breastfeeding : 
· Gives the best nutrient for baby 
· Increases immunity on baby’s body 
· Increases baby’s inteligence 
· Protects babies from diseases, such as ear infection, diarrhea, fever, brain inflammation, and diabetes. 
· Increasing feeling of closeness and bonding between mother and the baby. 
· Lessens any bleeding after giving birth for mother. 
· Prevents cancer and pregnancy for mother. 
· Makes mother’s life easier boecause there’s no need to wash and strerilize the milk bottle.

Gas Exchange Inside The Body

Monday, October 29, 2012

Gas exchange in the body does not only occur in lungs, but also in tissues. Gas exchange occurs due to air pressure differences. High pressure gas will diffuse to low pressure gas. 
a. External Respiration 
External respiration is related to gas exchange process between the air in alveoli and blood in lung capillaries. The blood that goes into lung capillaries carriers higher pressure CO2 than air pressure atmosphere. Therefore, CO2 diffuses out of the blood an enter the lungs. Most of CO2¬ carried by blood plasma is in the form of bicarbonate ion (HCO2-) while the rest is free CO2 that soon will diffuse out of body. After obtaining ion hydrogen (H+) from HHb, bicarbonate ion forms carbonic acid. The carbonic acid (H2CO3) is broken down into water and carbon dioxide. The blood entering lung capillaries contains a small amount of O2, while the air in alveoli contains a large amount of high pressure O2. Consequently, the O2 diffuses into plasma and goes into red blood cells in lungs. Then, hemoglobin capturing O2 to form oxihemoglobin (HbO2).

Structure and Composition of Bloods

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Structure and Composition of Bloods
Blood consists of blood cells (white blood cells andred blood cells), thrombocyte (plateletes), and blood plasm. Approximately, 55% of blood volume consists of blood plasm. The other 45% consists of blood cells and platelets. 
a. Blood Plasm 
Blood plasm is the yellow blod fluid. Approximately 92% of plasma is water. Whereas the rest are salt and organic moleculs. Plasma protein functions in maintaining osmotic pressure and pH of the blood, carrying organic macromollecules, and immunity. Albumin is necessary to maintain blood osmotic pressure and carry bilirubin molecules, whereas globulin in lipoprotein carries cholesterol and form prothrombin and antibody. Part of blood plasma that plays role in body’s immunity is serum. Serum contains various of antibody to fight against antigen. For example, agglutinin that can coagulate antigen precipitin that causes precipitation when it unites with its antigen. Fibrinogen functions in blood coagulation. 
b. Red Blood Cells 
Red blood cells (erythrocyte) are the main parts of blood cells. Some characteristics of the red blood cells are the shape is circular, flat, and biconcavedisk; the mature cells have no nucleus; the diameter is less than 0,001 mm; and elastics. Every mm3 of human blood contains approximately 4-6 millions of red blood cells. Each red blood cell contains 200 millions of hemoglobin (Hb) molecules. With the presence of hemoglobin, the red blood cells can function in carrying O2 and have red color. 
c. White Blood Cells 
White blood cells (leukocyte) have no color, have nucleus, loose Hb, have irregular shape, mobile, and can change its shape. The ratio number of white blood cells and red blood cells is 1:700. In every millimeter cubic of blood there are 5-11 thousands white blood cells. d. Platelets Platelet (thrombocyte) is developed from megrakaryocyte fragmentation in red marrow. The shape is irregular, small in size, colorless, and nucleusless. Everyday our body produces approximately 200 billions of platelets. Our blood contains 150-300 thousands of platelets per mm3.