Breastfeeding Necessity and It Benefits for a Baby

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mother’s milk is usually secreted after the baby was born. After the mother has borned the baby, pituitary gland will secrets prolactin which is needed to produce lactation for her baby. First time closing of mother’s milk usually looks a thin yellowish liquid known as colostrum. It’s very good food for a baby because it contains a lot of proteins and antibodies. Evenmore, mother’s milk secretions is stimulated by her own baby. When the baby is breastfed, the tips of nerves on areola are stimulated to produce nerve impulse that flows from nipple towards hypothalamus. Then, hypothalamus sends a message to pituitary gland to release oxytocin. When it reaches the breast, the oxytocin makes lobulus contract and squirt milk out. Medical experts encourage breastfeeding because it has many benefits. 
The followings are some of the benefits of breastfeeding : 
· Gives the best nutrient for baby 
· Increases immunity on baby’s body 
· Increases baby’s inteligence 
· Protects babies from diseases, such as ear infection, diarrhea, fever, brain inflammation, and diabetes. 
· Increasing feeling of closeness and bonding between mother and the baby. 
· Lessens any bleeding after giving birth for mother. 
· Prevents cancer and pregnancy for mother. 
· Makes mother’s life easier boecause there’s no need to wash and strerilize the milk bottle.