Eye Structure

Monday, November 19, 2012

Eye lies in eye cavity and hasoval round shape. Eye ball  and eye cavity are connected by six muscles which can generate eye movement to various direction.
Eye is composed of three layers, namely sclera, choroid, and retina.

1. Sclera is the outer layer of the eye ball in the form of tought white tissue. It maintains the shape of the eye globe. Sclera contains cornea which is transparent and composed of collagen fibers.

2. Choroid is a thin, dark tissue which lies between sclera and retina (intermediate layer), and contains a large amount of pigment and blood vessel. Between the anterior of choroid and posterior of the cornea there is iris which consists of circular muscle and contains pigment. Iris pigment determines human eye color. Iris is also important to control the amount of light entering the eyes by regulating the pupil size (a sphere located in the center of iris). When receiving strong light intensity, the pupil size will constrict. Conversely, when receiving weak light intensity, the pupil will dilate.

3. Retina is the innermost layer containing photoreceptor and nerve cells which are sensitive to light. Retina has the thickness of less than 1 milimeter. It is composed of several cell layers, which are receptor cell, ganglion cell, and nerve fibers. In the center of retina there is light focus site called yellow spot (macula lutea).

Smell Sense

Smell sense is composed of olfactory ephitelial tissues and olfactory receptor cells which are located on the upper part of nose cavity.
The sensation that we call taste is basically smell.
When we chew union or apple, the vapor or gas goes into the open nose.The gas will affect smell nerve end so that we can differentiate the taste of union or apple.
Smell is produced by chemical stimulation in the form of gas. Gas goes into nose cavity, diffuses into mucus layer and binds with receptor in dendrite. The gas will stimulate olfactory cells so that the impulse from olfactory nerves move toward the brain.
The impulse will be interpreted as smell.
Smell nerves will not give any response to aroma stimulation continuously received in a long period of time. The nerves become active when it receives different aroma stimulation. The brain can also memorize certain aroma because olfactory pumpkin is directly connected to emotional and memory center in brain.

G o n a d

Gonad in male is testes that is necessary to produce sperm cells and testosterone hormone. It is very important to stimulate secondary sexual characteristics and sexual behavior.

Gonad in female is ovarium whose function is to produce several hormones which are as follows :
1. Estrogen : which has function to stimulate secondary sexual characteristics and sexual behaviour.
2. Progesterone : ehich has function to maintain pregnancy and the growth and development of milk gland
3. Relaxin : which has function to prevent uterus contraction and to ease delivery process.

Benefits of Spirulina for Pregnant Woman

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Have you ever heard a medicine plants named Spirulina? Spirulina is species of microalgae which have lived 3,5 million years ago. Spirulina is a herbal nutrition sources which more complete than herbal nutrition from another plants.

Spirulina's form is like a green-blue algae which usually found in ponds or lakes. 

The contens of spirulina's nutritions is consisted by :

60-70% protein
20-25% carbohydrate

3-5% lipid 

5-8% mineral dan vitamine
2-5% pigment water

Spirulina has too many benefits and it's usually used for a herbal nutrition (100% herbal), and it grouped on alkali foods. The benefit of spirulina isn't only that, because Spirulina's also good to be consumed by a woman with pregnancy. For a pregnant woman, Spirulina can increase human immune and giving more iron substances for your fetus growth. Because a pregnant woman is susceptible on iron substance anemia.

So, Spirulina is a good nutrition to be consumed by a woman with pregnancy because Spirulina has a million essences that really which really good for your body.

Benefit of Tomatoes for Our Body Health

Saturday, November 17, 2012

We usually think that tomato’s only good for our eyes health. 
Actually, tomato’s contain more benefits which really wonderful for our body health. Let check this out.
 1. Antioxidan Resources Tomatoes contains Lycopene, an antioxidant which can protects our body from acquitted radical substances. Acquitted radical substances are dangerous because its can damaged our body cell slowly, so our body will so easy to infected some diseases. 

2. Keeping Your Heart always Health A hypertencion and some heart diseases can minimized by Calium and Vitamine B on tomatoes. Besides of that, this compound could prevents some diseases, such as Stroke. 

3. Natural Vitamine Resources Every one tomato can produced 40% our daily vitamine necessity. Besides of that, tomatoes also contains vitamine K and iron substances. 

4. Abated Diabetes A study which have done by Journal of American Medical Association showed that consuming 2 tomatoes everyday will decreasing Oxidative Stress of Diabetes (2nd type). 

 5. Prevents Cancer Some researches successfully uncovered that tomatoes could prevents many kinds of cancers, such as Prostate Cancer and Intestine Cancer. It caused that tomato is contain Lycopene as a natural antioxidant which prevent cancer cells to growth.

Active Immunization

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Active immunization is conducted by injecting vaccine containing specific antigen into the body to bulid immune system. Antigen is a substance found in pathogen antigen which is recognized by the immune system as a foreign particles.

As a response to antigen, the immune system will develop antibody or T lymphocyte of white blood cell which is a special attacker cell. Some immunizations give complete protection against particular diseases for a life time.
Another type is by giving partial protection. It means the person given immunization only gets temporary immunity. Some other types of immunization require repetition injection periodically. For example tetanus injection which is suggested to be injected once in every 10 years of a life time.
Active immunization uses modified organism so that it will reduce the risk of causing disease. But it's still able to build a defense system to fight disease. Such as to protect the body from yellow fever, measles, chickenpox, and many other diseases caused by virus.

Types of Movement in Skeleton Muscles

The muscle contraction produces two possibilities, antagonist (causing opposite motion) or synergy (causing horizontal motion).
Flexion and Extention

The example of synergy is the one that occurs between pronator teres muscle and prenator quadratus that altogether work in forearm pronation. The examples of antagonist muscle are as follows.

a. Extensor muscle-flexor muscle, which is the movement to straighten (extension movement) and to bend (flexion movement) the tricep and bicep motion.
b. Abductor muscle-adductor muscle, which is the movement to stay away (abduction movement) and to come toward to the body (adduction movement) when we stretch hand to side and turn it back to the initial position.
c. Inversor muscle-eversor muscle, which is the movement to tilt the foot sole to the inside (inversion) and to the outside (eversion).
d. Supinator muscle -pronator muscle, which is the movement to lift up (supination motion) and to invert the hand (pronation motion).


Stomach (ventricle) is located below the body cavity constriction or above abdominal cavity. Stomach has some primary functions. Such us stroring food,  mixing food, and preparing the hydrolisis process of protein enzymes.

Stomach consists of three parts. First, food enters the stomach through cardiac. Then, it goes toward fundus and pylorus. Pylorus is close to the lock muscle (valve) that controls food transfer into the intestine.
Stomach wall is composed of some muscular layers. Longitudinal muscles in the outer layers, circular muscles in the middle layer, and oblique muscle in the inner layer. 
When these muscles contract, food in stomach will mix all together with gastric acid become chymus.
Stomach wall has glands which producing mucose, gastric acid, and gastrine hormone.

1. Mucus, is produced by mucose cells.
2. Gastric acid consists of several substances as follows :

     a. Hydrochloryd acid, is produced by parietal cells, it is necesary to kill germs, create acidic environment (with a pH nearly to 1), stimulate secretion of intestine juice, stimulate the opening and closing of pylorus sphincter, and activate pepsinogen into pepsin.
       b. Pepsin is a protease enzyme which breaks down protein into pepton.
       c. Rennin, is an enzyme which has function to curdle the milk protein (casein). Generally it's found in young mammals.
       d. Lipase, is an enzyme which breaks down lipid into fatty acid and glycerol. It is produced by salivary gland that is accumulated in stomach instead of stomach.

3. Gastrin hormone, is a hormone tghat stimulates secretion of gastric acid in stomach.


Saturday, November 10, 2012


A salesman dust shacker was went to a house. 
He was always went to the big house. He went to the house of material store owner. He knocked the door and the house owner had opened the door. 
Before the Mrs. convenient said a word, the salesman spread many kinds of rubbish to her living room’s carpet. 
The salesman said,”I am really sure with this machine power. It’s so good. This carpet will be clean only in a few minutes. If the dust and rubbish still here I promise I will eat it, Mrs.!”. 
The process succesfully, there were no dust again. The house owner were so proud and astonished to the product and they bought it. 
The next house is the new house, really big and beautiful. The salesman was so astonished and said,”If I come in the house, the house owner will buy my product certainly. Because the owner is so rich!”. He walked to the house surely and knocked the door. 
As usual, before the house owner say a word, the salesman began spread the rubbish and dust to the living room’s carpet. He promised,” I am really sure with this machine power. It’s so good. This carpet will be clean only in a few minutes. If the dust and rubbish still here I promise I will eat it, Mrs. I promise! Don’t worry!”. The house owner replied,”Oh, if that’s your promise, please start to eat it all, common! Because my house not yet set the electricity”. :D :D

Terrible Student


A couple had a little girl, she was a student of elementary school, who were excessively mischievous. 
She was always getting trouble because she has an odd behaviour. She was always leave the class during the lesson everyday. 
She leave the class because she would to powder. The curious, every she’s in the school bath room, she felt that somethings wrong happened, “gost”. 
Its bath room was wellknown as a very scared room. She’s often heard an odd voice and the win blous hardly. It was at the end of the school year, there were an farewell party at night. Likes usual she leave from the party and ran quickly to the bath room. She was really annoyed because that day was Thursday evening. 
When she arrived at the toilet, she looked that the woman bath room student have closed. She knocked the door and shouted,”Excuse me! Any body inside! I’m so urinate… Please out of quickly!”. 
She shouted and shouted for 5 times. But there were nobody answered. A few minutes later, the door was opened slowly, she knocked the door again. But there were nobody answered again. Till she would try to open the door slowly, because she couldn’t proof against. 
She began opened the door, when she opened the door there was something discord,”gubrakkkkkk!!!” like that. The girl was shouting because she was so annoyed and tremor. She shouted,”Ohhhh, I meet the gostttttt!!! Please help meeeeeeeee . . . .!!”. 
 At the same time she also heard another shout inside the bath room,”Ohhh nooo! Gost, please don’t eat me!!”. It’s a people sound, doesn’t a gost. There was a people inside the toilet that night, she was her homeroom teacher. The teacher was bend wearing her shoes, and her buttocks touched the door. The girl looked her teacher fallen down and her face was kiss the watercloset. :D

Just for Kidding


A beautiful wife named Vera was death agony waited her end’s coming. She was lean on her husband soulder. Her husband, Budi was weeped for her, full of tears. 
Vera whispered,”My lovely husband…”. 
Budi was cut her whisper,”Ssshhttt… stop Vera, Take a rest Ver, don’t speak anymore”. 
“Dearrrrrr……..”, said Vera with a small voice. 
“I will speak something important to you, I want to confess something”. 
Budi clear his wife’s tears and said,”Sssssht, It’s enough, you don’t need to confess something again. Take a rest please”. 
Vera replied,”Noooo, no and no! I must to confess something to you, so I can calm there. Budi, my honey.. I’m sorry because I often flattery, sleep together with your brother, with your father, your best friend, and with our neighbours. Hhhhhhghhhh….”. 
With calm and great happiness, Budi answered,”Yes, I know Ver, I think enough. I know everything about it. I have forgave your mistakes. Indeed you think, what is the means I poisons you?” --''

Time for Intermezzo :)

Just Wanna Be Your Self

“Me” “Ohh, how fat I am??” 
Vira is gloomy lonely on her sitplace, hold up her chin with her hand. Looking around, so silent here. Vira don’t know what she fault is. She feel that these days she has been keeping her diet pretty tight. But how come this her dear cheek is still stretchy. And a lot of people who take a look at it want to pinch it. It makes her more resentful. It is resentful, resentful, resentful. Veeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrry resentful. While, she really want to be an actrist. “What’s my fault?” Weep.. weep... did the fault come from the descendant from her beloved father and mother that makes her cheek really puffed-up.
She don’t think so. They are not fat either. But if Vira really think about it again, her fat was really unfortunate. She remembered truely when she was child. 
Aproximately when she was five years old, her friends cames to her house and all of them were so glad to see her face. They seemed like they got a new toy. What else if not her cheek that passionated them. They pinched the left cheek, then pinched the right cheek. 
They were so happy then. Laugh and laugh. They did not know that the owner of this cheek felt a suffering on both the body and heart. Until she cried. Only then stopped changed to caressing. “Choop choop the sweet child should not cry please.” It was more serious when she was in Junior High School. She remembered truely that she had a friend named Adi. A child that according to her view is one of the naughtiest on her school. It is indeed generally the child was good, not smoking, obeyed to school rule, and even the national ideology and UUD ’45, never skipped class even once, moderately clever and high-achieving. 
Then why she said that he is naughty? YES, BECAUSE of that. He liked to pinch her cheek so much. If she daydream a little she was pinched. When she was careless a little she was pinched. His pinches were consecutive and consistent. Everyday. Three times a day. After eating before sleeping (how come it looks like taking medicine?). Yeah no matter what it was really often. She thought when she went to Senior High School, the sympathetic experiences will be ends. Moreover she entered to the Senior High School that was famous enough. She was convinced, the students were definitely very clever, well, and very devout. She look her self in front of the mirror happily. She is glad with her good nouse form, her shiny eyes, her long hair, and of course with her cute lip too. 
She can continues her diet pretty tight, so she is not too fat again. And she can doing her mission to be an actrist or a model girl. “Whatever happened, I’ll be an actrist!” She said so sure. She don’t want hear Arini’s advices. Arini is Vira’s single sister. Arini is an actrist, she said to Vira that to be an actrist is needs so much mental and skills. Vira’s ages are 15th years old now. But Vira don’t see another minds to pending her idea. Vira wants to be a popular actrist, likes Laudya Chintya Bella or Agnes Monica. She is telling her idea to her close friends, Mia and Tata. Their close friends are always support Vira’s idea. As usual, Mia and Tata only can says “yes” to Vira. After that, Mia and Tata helps Vira to find any informations about cinema casting or advertisements. “I must trying in every time,” said Vira principely. Finally, she get a casting job. A production house was needed an actrist for a FTV, responded Vira’s portfolio. Vira’s first casting is not good as her dream. She is coming late because a jam. Casting must be pending. Vira was really disappointed. The following day, she don’t want repeat her fault again. She doesn’t come late again, she get 3th for her running number. 
When her name was called, she walk confidently. She’s sure that the producer will be spelled with her face. Minutes to minutes in casting room, Vira is surprising. The producers were showed dissatisfied expressions to her performances. Vira’s so glad, until Tata and Mira are sharing a news on their school that Vira will be an actrist. A lot of people were so surprising because they’re know that Vira is fat. After a week, there is nothing information from production house. Finally, Mia and Tata are conscious to Vira’s conquered. Vira’s so shy, really shy till she’s sick! Mira and Tata comes to Vira’s house, they want to see their close friend, to support Vira. 
When they’re arrive at Vira’s house, Mbok Sumi opened the door. Waiting for Vira is coming, they are looking around the living room. There are many family photos on the living room’s wall. “Sora Arini!! Viraa . . . . Why you are never say to us that Sora Arini is your older sister. She is my beloved actrist.” Tata and Mia surprissed. Since that time she is conscious how important she can show her skills. She is conscious too that Arini’s advice is true. Mia and Tata were so happy to hear that. They were embranced each other. “That’s what friends are for!” they shout loudly.

How to Gain Weight for Males

Friday, November 9, 2012

Do you have the ideal body? Everyone wants to have an ideal body. Because the ideal body becames parameter of a healthy life. I will explain you who has thin body, give you some solutions to get a healthier life. Here we go ! start here : 

Because you have a high metabolism, you burned more energy that you've consumed. By increasing your calories, you'll have more energy and nutrients to build your muscle. So, you can makes your body higher by consuming a nutrient food which contains protein and carbohydrate. 
Here's some of the many benefits of sport participation for human (man) include:
* Reduced risk of obesity
* Increased cardiovascular fitness
* Healthy growth of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons
* Improved coordination and balance
* A greater ability to physically relax and, therefore, avoid the complications of chronic muscular tension (such as headache or back ache)
* Improved sleep
* Mental health benefits, such as greater confidence
* Improved social skills
* Improved personal skills, including cooperation and leadership.
According to researchers, more than 8 hours sleep each night is bad for you. We have all known that too little sleep is bad for you, this study suggests that the opposite is also bad. According to the researchers at the University of California, those who sleep 9-10 hours a night seem to have more problems, ranging from difficulty in falling asleep, staying asleep, plus a whole load of other problems. It seems that those who sleep eight hours have the least problems. Those who sleep 7 hours each night also had problems falling asleep and waking up feeling full of beans. Previous studies have focussed on too little sleep. Some previous studies have suggested that too little sleep (less than 7 hours each night) reduces your life expectancy. In this study, 1004 adults had to answer a sleep questionnaire. The questions asked how many hours they slept each night (it was an ongoing questionnaire), whether they found it easy to fall asleep, did they wake during the night, did they wake up early in the morning and could they not get back to sleep again, did they suffer from fatigue during the day. Those who slept too much were more likely to experience all the problems on the questionnaire than those who slept eight hours each night. One of the researchers said that people who sleep too much find it hard to rest at night because they spend too much time in bed. He suggested one way to get rid of insomnia is to spend less time in bed. He suggested that there might be a link between sleeping long hours and depression.

Our Brain !

The brain is the crown jewel of the human body. Brain is the most complex part of the human body. This three-pounds organ is the seat of intelligence, interpreter of the senses, initiator of body movement, and controller of behavior. Lying in its bony shell and washed by protective fluid, the brain is the source of all the qualities that define our humanity. 
The brain serves many important functions. It gives meaning to things that happen in the world surrounding us. We have five senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste. Through these senses, our brain receives messages, often many at one time. It puts together the messages in a way that has meaning for us, and can store that information in our memory. 
For example: An oven burner has been left on. By accident we touch the burner. Our brain receives a message from skin sensors on our hand. Instead of leaving our hand on the burner, our brain gives meaning to the signal and tells us to quickly remove our hand from the burner. Heat has been felt. If we were to leave our hand on the burner, pain and injury would result. As adults, we may have had a childhood memory of touching something hot that resulted in pain or watching someone else who has done so. 
Our brain uses that memory in a time of need and guides our actions and reactions in a harmful situation. With the use of our senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing, the brain receives many messages at one time. It can select those which are most important. Our brain controls our thoughts, memory and speech, the movements of our arms and legs and the function of many organs within our body. It also determines how we respond to stressful situations (i.e. writing of an exam, loss of a job, birth of a child, illness, etc.) by regulating our heart and breathing rate.

Nutritious Food and Functions of Food

A good food is the food that fulfills several requirements which are hygiene. Containing balanced nutrition, and easy to digest. The general functions of food for human are as follows. 
 a. Source of energy, coming from carbohydrate, lipid and protein. 
 b. Body builder and replacement of damage cells. 
 c. Controlling the internal process of body, such as nerve coordination. The source is obtained from mineral, vitamin and protein. 
 d. Immunization of the body, obtained from food containing prebiotic (represented by fiber Le Lactose) and probiotic (represented by floral bacteria). 

 Nutrients can be grouped based on the amount required by body which are macro nutrients and micro micro nutrients. 
 a. Macro nutrients are the nutrients required by body in a large amount, including carbohydrate, lipid, protein, and water. 
 b. Micro nutrients are the nutrients required by body in a small amount, including vitamin and mineral.

1. Carbohydrate 
 Carbohydrate is an organic compound which became the main source of energy fur human and animal. Carbohydrate can be distinguished into three groups based on the number of sugar group composition. Namely monosaccharide, disaccharide, and polysaccharide. Carbohydrate has several functions, as the main source of energy, controlling lipid metabolism, maintaining acidity and alkalinity balance, forming the structure of cell, tissue, organ, assisting calcium absorption, giving sweet taste on food, and assisting in feces excretion.
2. Protein 
Protein is the largest macromolecule that composes the body after water, which is one fifth of body. Protein is formed by long chain of amino acid that binds together in peptide bond. Amino acid is composed of C, H, O, N, and sometimes S and P. Amino acid consists of carboxyl group, one group of amino (-NH2), one atom H, and one radical group (-R). 
3. Lipid 
Fat or lipid is an organic compound that is insoluble in water, but soluble in organic solvent (non-polar), i.e chloroform, eter, and kerosene. 
4. Vitamin 
Vitamin is an organic compound that plays a vital role for life, health and growth. Vitamin does not contains energy. Vitamin functions in some stages of energy metabolism reaction, growth, and maintenance. Generally, vitamin functions as co-enzyme or part of enzime. 
 5. Water 
Water is a vital substances for living organism because all the metabolism processes need water. Water also functions as both organic and inorganic solvents, a carrier of metabolism product to tissues, as a stabilizer of body temperature, and as suspension material for protein, lipid, glycogen, and starch. 
6. Mineral 
Mineral is a material that is important for maintaining body function as a whole. However, the excessive mineral consumption can poison the body.

Kidney as a Hormone Producer

Friday, November 2, 2012

I have concentrated upon the obvious functions of the kidney: regulation and excretion. Now we have to finish by considering a third function: the secretion of hormones. The first of these hormones which the kidney produces is called, appropriately, renin. This is part of the regulatory mechanism just out lined, and it produced by cells just beside each glomerolus usually called the "juxta-glomerular" apparatus. 
Renin of itself has no action, but it acts on a protein in the bloodstream to produce a small molecule with very powerful effects, angiotensin.
First, it constricts blood vessels and raises the blood pressure. Secondly, it causes the kidney to retain sodium. And thirdly, it stimulates the adrenal glands to produce the same hormone mentioned above which is triggered by volume receptors within the circulation. All these are powerful effects in regulating blood volume and blood pressure. It may come as a surprise to learn that the second hormone which the kidney produces is the active form of Vitamin D. This vitamin is esential for the formation and maintenance of helathy bone, and promotes the absorption of calcium from the gut. 
Being the vitamin it is a compound that we have to have in our diet because we cannot make it ourselves. Without it, children get the bone disease rickets, adults the similar disease of bones which have finished growing, called osteomalacia (soft bones). However, before vitamin D can act on bone or on calcium absorption it must be transformed twice. First in the liver, and then in the kidney to its active form. One could predict from this that patients with kidney disease might suffer from bone problems. Thirdly, the kidney produces a hormone which promotes the formation of red blood cells by the bone marrow. Red blood cells are called erythrocytes in Greek, and the hormone is called erythropoietin. It is released from the kidney if the oxygen in the blood falls low. For example, on going to high altitudes. Again one could predict that patients without kidneys or with kidney disease would became anaemic. Finally, the kidney produces several of an important group of compounds, the prostaglandins. These have only just achieved prominence, but one group is clearly very important in regulating blood flow and blood pressure and it produced in the kidney. Probably, they are part of kidney's regulation of its internal blood flow but like renin may have effects beyond the kidney.