Smell Sense

Monday, November 19, 2012

Smell sense is composed of olfactory ephitelial tissues and olfactory receptor cells which are located on the upper part of nose cavity.
The sensation that we call taste is basically smell.
When we chew union or apple, the vapor or gas goes into the open nose.The gas will affect smell nerve end so that we can differentiate the taste of union or apple.
Smell is produced by chemical stimulation in the form of gas. Gas goes into nose cavity, diffuses into mucus layer and binds with receptor in dendrite. The gas will stimulate olfactory cells so that the impulse from olfactory nerves move toward the brain.
The impulse will be interpreted as smell.
Smell nerves will not give any response to aroma stimulation continuously received in a long period of time. The nerves become active when it receives different aroma stimulation. The brain can also memorize certain aroma because olfactory pumpkin is directly connected to emotional and memory center in brain.